This entire video pushed my mind into thinking deeper which inevitably resulted in me feeling lower vibrations. I consider myself (or maybe now considered) as a being who is more spiritual, not religious. When I began to learn more about the parts of my spirituality, everything just began to make sense. As much as I love tuning into my spiritual side, I love to tune into the scientific/philosophical part of me as well. After this video explained the true nihilistic attitude of the alien , I sat and began to realize just how reasonable it is for him to be that way. Of course, he is a character who was invented for our entertainment, but his extreme pessimism does make sense when you apply the philosophy that life is pointless. Humanity is just the result of an extreme game of chance, and we are tiny as hell compared to everything else that stretches far beyond what we have yet to discover outside of our own Milky Way. Any attitude which we adopt into our lives is a choice, along with the thoughts we think. I am generally a person who likes to see the lighter side of life; that is a choice I have made. However, I am making the choice to pay attention to this negative way of thinking now and possibly later on. My spiritual beliefs involve the way of thinking that humanity has a higher purpose. I believe that my mission on this Earth is to spread the messages of love, kindness, compassion and peace. I believe that I am a soul who was specifically chosen to come to this Earth and guide our world into a higher level of vibration. As informative as this video about the show is, it is soul crushing on some levels. The analysis put forward holds deep philosophies that make me wonder, “why even bother?” I know as the character of the alien says, “just don’t think about it,” it is HARD to not think about it when you’re a person like myself who likes to take in new information, question, and look for positive things in life. And some of you may even comment that I should not allow my personal beliefs to be stomped upon by a simple analysis (in truth, not so simple) of an adult cartoon. This philosophy is one of the heaviest tI have heard. I’m also a person who feels very deeply.

3d cool world is a show which challenges me to think about things and question what I know on a deeper level in general, but this video challenged me to question and think much more.